Brazilian gemstone appraisal scammer fails to show up

Brazilian gemstone appraisal scammer fails to show up and testify in defamation trial in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand – August 23, 2023: A notorious appraisal scammer, Miguel Zenetos of Brazil, failed to appear earlier this month for the pre-trial hearing of a lawsuit he filed in Thonburi Criminal Court, of Bangkok, Thailand, against Jeffery Bergman, a […]
Gemstone appraisal scam whistleblower hearing rescheduled to August 10

Gemstone appraisal scam whistleblower facing criminal defamation charges in Thailand In the next two months, Jeffery Bergman and his legal team will expand and refine their considerably in-depth cross-examination, during which they intend to expose Miguel Zenetos’ many false and unsupportable statements printed in the 200+ pages he submitted to the court. Bangkok, Thailand, June […]
Gemstone appraisal scam whistleblower facing

Gemstone appraisal scam whistleblower facing criminal defamation charges in Thailand Bangkok, Thailand – May 28, 2023: Jeffery Bergman, an American gemstone dealer and gemologist based in Bangkok, Thailand, is facing criminal defamation charges – filed by Miguel Zenetos, a Brazilian gemologist – in Thailand for publicly disclosing low-grade rough gemstone appraisal scams. Bergman has a […]
SSEF vindicates gemmologist Jeffery Bergman, SGC

SSEF vindicates gemmologist Jeffery Bergman, SGC Bangkok, Thailand – September 17, 2023 – In a stunning 180-degree turnaround, SSEF, the Swiss Gemmological Institute, has acknowledged that participants have the right to use SSEF course acronyms BGC, BDC, ATC, and SGC as valid gemmological credentials after their names. This long overdue decision came after a Swiss court […]
Pakistan’s Gems, Mines and Markets

Pakistan’s Gems, Mines and Markets An Overview by Jeffery Bergman, SGC SSEF The magnificent ‘King of Kashmir’ aquamarine cluster in situ on meta-granite with quartz and feldspar, in the Shigar Valley, widely considered to be one of the finest mineral specimens ever discovered. (Photo: Fine Minerals International) Considered to be among the finest mineral specimens […]
Chromium Surface Diffusion Treated “Ruby”

Chromium Surface Diffusion Treated “Ruby” By: Jeffery Bergman – ASG SGC of EighthDimensionGems Photos by Ayub Muhammad of Pretty Little Gem July 20, 2023 – Bangkok, Thailand. Fig. 01 & 02. Face-up and pavilion shots of a 7-carat chromium surface diffusion treated “ruby”. Photos by Ayub Muhammad. First documented by the GIA in the early […]
Crimson Prince Ruby from Namya

Crimson Prince Ruby from Namya Mogok, Myanmar is considered the source of the finest rubies on Earth. In 2000, an exciting new ruby discovery was made in Namya, located in the Kachin state approximately 300 km north of Mogok and east of the jade mine at Hpakant (figure 1). While known mostly for its vibrant […]
Emerald Enhancements A Consumer and Trade Guide

Emerald Enhancements: A Consumer and Trade Guide Regardless of origin, perhaps 99% of all cut emeralds are sold with some sort of enhancement for clarity. Since emeralds freshly dug out of the ground from any mine in the world are never found with naturally occurring oils or resins in them, all emerald clarity enhancements are considered artificial processes. […]
Trapiche: The Rising Star – by Jeffery Bergman

Trapiche: The Rising Star : by Jeffery Bergman Humans are fascinated with geometry and historically the hexagon is the most iconic of popular geometric shapes. Likely first encountered in snowflakes, honeycomb and certain starfish species, the hexagon has been adopted, adapted and incorporated by religions, mysticism, astrology, the occult, architecture and art. Modern satellite photos […]
Jade ⽟ a gemologist’s guide: A Book Review by Jeffery Bergman

Jade ⽟ a gemologist’s guide: A Book Review by Jeffery Bergman Click on this link for the original publication Until now, there has never been a book which addresses jade as a gemological material with extensive information on the history, sources, appraisal and identification of natural, treated, and the various types of jade imitations. But, […]